Member-only story
Git can be challenging, but here are a few git commands that might be helpful on a daily basis.(Shortcuts work using Oh-My-Zsh)
git rebase -i master
or grbi master
will attempt to add all the changes in master to your current branch. This is typically done right before pushing upstream and opening up a pull request. While rebasing, there may be some merge conflicts you need to handle. If so, run git rebase --continue
or grbc
to continue the rebasing. This also gives you the chance to ammend any previous git commit messages or merge commits together. (In vim, changing pick
to f
will merge that commit with the commit above).
Use git rebase --abort
or grba
to abort rebase.
git log --oneline --decorate --color
or glo
will print out your previous commits. This is ideal if you need to grab a commit ID to do a reset.
git reset <commit>
will bring you back to that point in time and show all changes after that commit. This is ideal for rearranging some changes on different commits.
Work In Progress
git log -n 1 | grep -q -c "--wip--" && git reset HEAD~1
or gunwip
will uncommit temporary changes.
git add -A; git ls-files —deleted -z | xargs -r0 git rm; git commit -m "--wip--"
or gwip
will commit temporary changes.
git status -s
or gss
is usful to see a quick overview of the status of a branch.
To view more commands and aliases view here.